Gardiner River Overlook

Old Army Officers Quarters

First View Of Mammoth

Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel

Welcome to the Mammoth, Montana Picture Tour

In this world of “Hustle and Bustle” remember to take time to smell the Sulfur.

Our all time favorite Winter gateway to Yellowstone National Park is via Gardiner and Mammoth, Montana.  The Gardiner and Mammoth area gives you the Yellowstone Park experience immediately.  You see bison, antelope and deer in the town of Gardiner, Montana. You pass hiking trails, hot pots, cascading rivers, coyote, elk and big horn sheep on the way to Mammoth. Once in Mammoth, Montana you see the spectacular Yellowstone National Park Mammoth Terraces and historic building right out of an old Western Movie.

It’s at the Mammoth Terraces you will smell the ever present whiff of sulfur in the air.  The cold air cleans your lungs, the sulfur clears your brain and your sore and tires ski muscles makes you feel rejuvenated and ready to go back to the “Hustle and Bustle” in town.

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