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Humbug Spires Wilderness Area in Montana Picture Tour

Picture of a rock climber on the "Wedge" in the Humbug Spires Wilderness Study Area south of Butte, Montana. Image is part of the Humbug Spires in Montana Picture Tour.

Turn Off I-15 To Divide, Montana

Divide in January

Moose Creek Road view South

First view of the Humbug Spires

The 600 ft. tall "Wedge"

Rest Stop

As Far As We Can Go

Welcome to the Humbug Spires in Montana Picture Tour

We are embarrassed to admit we can’t find the forty-foot climbing rocks we climbed on when the Humbug Spires Wilderness Study Area was first introduced. When we learned about a place a called “Humbug Spires” we just had to investigate. We park the truck on the west side entrance (see the picture of the gate) and ambled off into the hills full of incredible granite boulders. We were amazed to find perfectly shaped dome rocks with climbing pitons and rope dangling from above. It sad, but the famous 600-foot-tall “Wedge” didn’t make a lasting impression in my memory. What really made an impact, was the field of dome rocks that almost looked like they were installed by someone to provide the perfect climber’s playground.

Fast forward to the present. We have made two feeble and one intensive search for the mythical forty-foot climbing rocks. We started two searches on the south end of Humbug Spires Wilderness Study Area (see the pictures of the trail head) thinking we would stumble across the rock. No luck. Next we parked the truck at the west side entrance and scoured the area. Still no forty-foot climbing rocks. The tour will show you the memorable miners log cabin with running water. The walk to the 600-foot-tall “Wedge.” Followed by rocky obstacles we ran into as we hiked farther north. We might cheat and use a satellite image to locate the climbing rocks. Then again, half the fun of hiking the hills of Montana is exploring new country.

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